RELAX, Screen Time Is OK for Travel!!! 7 Surprising Benefits For Kids!
Are you wondering how much screen time is okay for your child while traveling? I’ll share with you a freeing revelation that screen time is not just okay but can actually benefit kids while traveling! Join me as I explore the 7 surprising benefits of screen time for kids while traveling.
Before we dive in, just to be clear from the get-go, unlimited screen time is not okay at home. There is clear psychology research showing significant drawbacks to excessive screen time use, which is why consistent screen time boundaries are a major component of my 5 C’s parenting framework. I feel so strongly about empowering parents with knowledge about the effects of screen time on kids and equipping them with strategies for establishing reasonable screen limits that I created a free workshop called Screen Time Myths.
But if you want to focus on screen time while traveling, let’s get started.
#1: Traveling with kids is stressful. You have all the normal stressors of traveling, from time pressures to unanticipated schedule changes, and on top of that, you have a little person or group of little people who can be emotionally labile, impatient, and egocentric - not to mention how often they need to eat, use the potty, and kick the person’s seat in front of them.
Now, not all kids love screen time, but the majority do. Younger kids get sucked in for shorter periods of time, but elementary school-aged kids start to get engrossed for very long stretches. Guess what happens when you allow screen time while traveling? Your kids are much happier, much less demanding, and much more patient. Score one for the parents!
You may especially notice these positive effects in kids who tend to be a little more anxious about new situations or a little more introverted, preferring to spend time at home; screen time helps to bring an element of familiarity to the unfamiliar travel situation. The positive effects seen in kids tie directly into the second benefit below.
#2: Guess what happens when your kids are happier, less demanding, and more patient? Your stress level goes down markedly. Parents traveling with kids are much happier, way less tense, and way more patient with their kids—in the moments when they do look up from their screens.
#3: Some of the primary reasons for setting screen time limits at home simply don’t hold up when traveling. For example, concerns over kids getting enough physical activity…you want them playing in the yard or playing catch at home, but you don’t want them running laps up and down the airplane aisle. So, they’re going to be doing sedentary activities regardless.
#4: This is an opportunity to teach your kids about technology being a useful tool that has its purpose. Do you remember back when you would land at an airport and hope and pray the person scheduled to pick you up could actually find you? How amazing is it now to shoot them a text message and miraculously meet up with them minutes later? Similarly, you can teach your kids about how you used to spend hours in the car keeping tally of what states you have spotted on your license plate scavenger hunt, but now they get to play their favorite game, watch that movie they’ve been dying to see, or for more studious kids, play an online chess match, hop on Duolingo to learn a new language or work on coding a new game. Make it clear that the purpose here is to productively kill time while traveling. This helps kids start to think of screen time less as something they’ll do any chance they get and more as an activity with a purpose.
#5: This is also an opportunity to highlight appropriate times and places for screen time. Let’s say you have a layover at an airport and decide to grab a bite to eat. You should absolutely have the kids put away their screens so you can enjoy each other’s company over the meal. Or, say you’re on a road trip and you move from the expanse of endless highway to a beautiful stretch of forest, call out to the kids to shut down their devices for a few minutes to enjoy nature’s beauty.
Depending on your destination, you may choose to remain more loose on screen time or have your home screen time rules carry over. We take an annual trip to a rustic family lake house every summer, and zero screens are allowed while we’re there because there are so many wonderful outdoor activities to enjoy. On the other hand, we recently stayed in a hotel after spending several nights camping, and I said the kids could turn on their screens any time after 6:30 am so I could enjoy the comfort of sleeping in a bed again. Both are reasonable options for how to handle vacation screen time.
Of course, you can set boundaries during the travel period too. You might do half an hour on screens followed by half an hour off screens. Or you might set a total screen time limit per day then switch to traditional car games, music, books on tape, or maybe educational audiobooks about your destination.
#6: For older kids, allowing screen time while traveling provides a pathway for maintaining social connections. Preteens and teens are very focused on their friends. It’s a normal part of development. Family trips used to mean dreaded time away from besties, but now they can keep in touch easily through texting, video chats, or even social media. They can share their fun experiences with friends rather than ruminating over what they’re missing out on while traveling with family.
#7: Changing the rules while traveling won’t mess up your Family Screen Time Schedule at home. You can clearly state in advance of the trip that the rules are different and will return to normal when you return home. These are situation-specific family protocols. You may need to hold a quick family meeting after the trip, reminding people why it’s important to set healthy screen limits, and then you’ll be back on track.
Take-Home Message
It is important to set screen time boundaries and limits for your children at home, and to uphold them. However, I think it’s just fine to relax those limits while traveling. It benefits kids and parents alike, leading to happier memories of family trips as your children grow. I hope you find this information freeing and that it helps set you up for success on your next family trip. I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments. Make sure you pack all your charging cables, and maybe even invest in a portable charger. The kids should be pretty happy with the loose screen time limits while traveling, but if screen time battles are an issue at home, check out the video on screen. I’ve got you covered.
Screen time falls under the Consistency category of my 5 C’s parenting framework (click here to learn more about The 5 C’s). To view more posts in this category, use the category search menu on the right of your screen. Thanks for joining me to fill your parenting toolbox with psychology-based tools to feel more confident and capable in your parenting. Keep up the good work on your amazing parenting journey!
P.S. To learn why screen time limits at home are important, check out my Screen Time Myths Workshop. You’ll gain essential information about how screen time affects your child and how you can use that information to establish clear and reasonable screen time boundaries for your family.